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Speaker's Bureau
Presentations on a variety of topics are available for business and industry, professionals, civic and social clubs, church groups, schools, and parent-teacher organizations. The length and format of presentations are customized. Typically presentations are thirty to sixty minutes in length. Fees are negotiable. Range of fees: gratis to $150 per hour
What is stress and how to manage it
Relaxation techniques
Communication skills
Good mental health
Dealing with insomnia
Anger Management
Substance abuse
Is drinking a problem?
What's wrong with me? Am I mentally ill?
Depression: What is it and what it is not and when to get help
Work and Industry
Recognizing and referring the impaired employee
Stress management in the work place
Senior Citizens
Alzheimer's Disease
Mental Health Problems of the Aged
Loss of a loved one
Caregiver's First Aid
Medication Abuse
Assisted living or nursing home: how to decide
To arrange for a presentation: (see Request Form)