CALL US : 1-703-433-1553

The Center for Self-Development, LLC
Speaker's Bureau Request Form**
2 Pidgeon Hill Drive, Suite 450
Sterling, VA 20165
Office 703.433.1553 Fax 703.433.1558
Name of Organization: ______________________________________ Date of request:_______________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
city state zip
Phone Contact: ____________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________
Affiliation with the organization: ___________________________________
Reimbursement: $_______________
Topic of Interest:
_____What is stress and how to manage it
_____Relaxation techniques
_____Communication skills
_____Good mental health
_____Dealing with insomnia
_____Substance abuse
_____Anger management
_____Is drinking a problem?
_____Depression: What is is and what it is not and when to get help
_____Aging parents and impact on the family unit
_____Other: _____________________________________________________
Date of the Event: ___________________ Time of the Event: ____________________
Location of the Event: _______________________________________________________________________
city state zip
Duration of Presentation: ___ 30 minutes ___ 60 minutes ___Other _________
Format: ____ interactive _____ educational _____ question and answer
Audio/visual Equipment available: ____ overhead ____ computer ____ projector ____ viewing screen
Audience: ____ men ____ women ____ mixed Group Membership: ________________________________
Racial and cultural background: ____ Caucasian ____ African American ____ Mixture
Education Level of Participants: ___ high school grads ___ college students ___ college grads ___ unknown
Career level of audience: ____ lay community/general public ____ professional ____ employer ____ employee
Ages of audience: ____ 18-25 ____ 25-35 ____ 35-45 ____ 45-55 ____ 55-65 ____ 65 and older
What are your goals for this presentation?
** Link to PDF
Fax completed form to:
The Center for Self-Development, LLC
Fax: 703.433.1558